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Mendes M. M. (2024). Revisiting the Weberian conceptual framework and its relevance for analysing ethnic and racial relations in contemporary times, Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 9, 3 (Jan. 2024), 10–18.

Caetano, P. and Mendes, M.M. (2024). The ‘Spirit’ of Schooling: The relevance of the sense of a calling on the school experiences of secondary-school Roma/Ciganos students. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 9, 3 (Jan. 2024), 148–166.



Candeias, P.; Caetano, P.; Mendes, M. M.; Magano, O. (2023). “The closed door?” The relationship of the Ciganos with the labour market from the perspective of the employment and training officers. Social Work and Society, 21(1)

Mendes, M. M. (2023). O continuum difícil acesso de pessoas e famílias ciganas/Roma à habitação adequada em Portugal. CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios, (au23), 105-118.

Mendes M. M. (2023). Ciganos/Roma e educação – investigação colaborativa e práticas de coprodução de conhecimento. Editora Mundos Sociais, (open access)

Mendes. M.M. (2023). co-organização com Stefánia Toma do Special Issue Critical Perspectives on the Impacts of (Post) COVID-19 Pandemic on Roma, Social Sciences, 


Mendes, M. M.; Magano, O.; Mourão, S.; Pinheiro, S. (2023). In-between identities and hope in the future: Experiences and trajectories of  Cigano secondary students (SI).Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education.


Mourão, S.; Pinheiro, S.; Mendes, M. M.; Caetano, P.; Magano, O. (2023). How did the COVID-19 pandemic and digital divide impact Ciganos/Roma school pathways? Social Sciences, S 12(2), 86.


Mendes, M.M.; Magano, O.; Pinheiro  S.; Mourão, S. (2022). Jovens ciganos no ensino médio em Portugal: fatores-chave para a continuidade e o sucesso escolar Tempo Social, Volume 34 (3): 403 - 426 10.11606/0103-2070.ts.2022.196230

Mendes, M. M.; Magano, O. (2022), Chapter 3 - Roma/Ciganos and the condition of internal strange in portuguese society: the construction of otherness, in Pedro Caetano e Maria Manuela Mendes (2022), Simmel and Beyond: The Contemporary Relevance of Simmel’s Thought, Routledge,  London and New York, ISBN 9781032000916, pp.34-54.

Caetano, P.; Mendes, M. M. (2022), Chapter 1 - Building a Bridge of Justice: Simmel’s view to overcome otherness towards an inclusive society, in, Pedro Caetano and Maria Manuela Mendes (2022), Simmel and Beyond: The Contemporary Relevance of Simmel’s Thought, Routledge,  London and New York, ISBN 9781032000916, pp.13-33.



Caetano, P.; Mendes, M. M.; Magano, O. (2021). Como acolher os estudantes Ciganos na escola pública? Do reconhecimento da alteridade a uma pluralidade de arranjos discriminatórios. Dossiê temático “Questões contemporâneas da educação no Brasil e em Portugal”, VÉRTICES, Campos dos Goytacazes/RJ, v.23, n.3, set./dez., pp. 635-651. 
DOI: 10.19180/1809-2667


Mendes, M. M.; Magano, O. (2021). Structural racism and racialization of Roma/Ciganos in Portugal: The case of secondary school students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Social Sciences, 10:203. DOI:

Mendes, M. M.; Magano, O.; Toma, S. (2021). Social and Economic Vulnerability of Roma People: Key Factors for the Success and Continuity of Schooling Levels. Open Access Book.

Mendes, M. M.; Magano, O. (Orgs.) (2020), Ciganos em Portugal, Espanha e Brasil: Analisando contextos, demandas e processos identitários. 
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